Tax Planning

Tax planning services are part of our standard service at Just You Accounting.
men reading documents on a table

Achieving a better outcome for you

Tax planning services are part of our standard service at Just You Accounting.

Everyone wants to pay less tax. We take the time to understand you and will work with you to identify opportunities to achieve a better outcome, both now and in the future.

What does tax planning look like?

Providing advice and guidance on keeping records of your work-related expenses to maximise tax deductions.

Up to date information

Information about legislation and regulatory changes through emails and social media platforms. We like to send the same information to everyone rather than filter to specific target groups. Your situation may be changing, or you may know someone who could benefit and of course, information is power. We want you to be able to make informed choices about your financial situation.

There is nothing worse than finding out what you could have done after it is too late.


Capital Gains Tax Asset Register

It is liaising with a client or their investment advisor about the timing of the sale of a capital gains tax asset (shares or property) to get an optimum result.

As a standard, we create internal working papers about your investment property at the time of purchase, called a Capital Gains Tax Asset Register. This is then able to be used as a tool to calculate potential capital gains tax on the sale of your investment property or shares.

paperwork and pen with wording capital gain

Helping develop a plan for the next tax year

We work with our small business clients each year to develop a plan for the next tax year. This is based on forecasts as well as historical trends and patterns of trade identified for your business. This is reviewed in April and May each year along with projections about taxable income and income tax payable. These review points are opportunities to consider further actions that could be undertaken with cash flow needs in mind.

Personal service, excellent tax results & peace of mind, no matter your needs.