General Tax Services

No matter your tax needed we are registered tax agents ready to help you get the best outcome.
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Certified and registered taxation

Just You Accounting is a registered tax agent, agent number 3570004. We are certified by the Tax Agents Board to provide taxation services from activity statements (BAS, IAS), single touch payroll (STP), fringe benefits tax and all of your income tax return lodgement needs. This includes all tax return types; individual, partnership, company, trust and SMSF.

We explain the rules in terms you can understand

Along the way, we will discuss ways you can meet the requirements of the substantiation (proof) provisions relating to your income tax return.

If there is a dispute, you will be informed of your rights and options available under Taxation Law, including lodgement of objections and private rulings. Further to this, we can advise “worst-case scenario” including the possibility of any penalties that may be imposed and other consequences or actions available to you.

Accountant and business owner discuss their general tax services around table and laptop

"We have a good working relationship with the Australian Taxation Office and will engage with them on your behalf to help to ensure that your taxes are kept up to date."

Michelle Zielke - Founder

Making taxes easy for you

There is a lot of information in your tax return that has very little to do with your taxable income but still affects your tax return result. Much of this relates to partner agencies like Centrelink and Child Support.

It is increasingly common for people to have something extra going on like a few shares, a side hustle or travel for work. Whatever your picture looks like, we can help get the best possible result. We want to free you from the confusion and fear associated with this annual task.

We aim to help you get the best result possible not just for last year, but for the next year as well. This is why along the way we will talk about things that you can do to be better prepared for next year. Tips about record-keeping, tracking motor vehicle use, great apps that can help and other things that you can do.

Personal service, excellent tax results & peace of mind, no matter your needs.